
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Togainu no Chi Episode 8

The explanatory episode that is Episode 8

We start off the episode with Aribitro (unfortunately) welcoming Akira to his so called castle. And from there the explanation to "Line" starts. Now everyone would know by know its a drug that enhances an average human's power but have you ever questioned yourself what is it made from? I certainly didn't when I was going through the original game. But as the title states "Blood of the Reprimanded Hound" it gives you a hint no? Well here we find out Akira and Keisuke were actually orphans used as test subjects for a Human Experimentation group called ENED to carry out Project Nicole. The Military and Government tend to play an important role in this case. Thus I really wonder can you really trust your own country in general... 

Akito: The guy is actually Nano :D


Kurosuke pops in! God he gives me the shivers...but well he's better that Keisuke in his own ways...

Kurosuke: Where did you run off to?
Me: Somewhere for away from you >.>

Aribitro helps Akira in trying to find out how to use his blood for a good cause but apparently his offer of letting Akira stay in his castle was rejected by Akira. Of course Arbitro isn't that stupid not to know the answer from the start.
This is the only part where I ALMOST punched my monitor. When Arbitro went um... hungry for Akira. Yes Akira I feel your disgust...

Akito: Aki belongs to Shiki, you bitch!
Me: I can't agree anymore on that sentence my friend...(mind your language)

Anyhow, Akira manages to escape from the pervert's clutches. The scene after just shows Kurosuke "hunting" down Akira and a close-up on N/Nano. And then back to Aki! I was surprised to see a church there really...

The oh-so-mysterious Motomi has finally come clean and told his past to Akira! And a painful truth comes revealed- "Theres no way to save a person who has taken Line"

 The old geezer sure is wise... that must be one reason why I always respect my teachers... Anyways looks like Emma is on the move talking about the military and all. I try not to pay attention to these parts as normally they would not be helpful if you are not really aiming to completely understand Togainu no Chi itself.

 This part reveals a thing or two about Rin's past and sibling connections. Apparently his group got murdered but Shiki thus Rin seeks revenge.

 Shiki-sama!~~ God he's to hot not to love xP
 Yup here comes the most surprising part of this episode which was unfortunately not surprising to me because of a certain Akito-kun here >> Note: Akito has a bad habit of giving spoilers) Rin's older step-brother is Shiki. And boy is Shiki the worst older brother ever...

Akito: I still CANNOT see them as siblings...
Me: I dont think anyone can. Seriously the hair and eyes? At least have SOME resemblance Dx

Akira's imagination can be quite extreme neh? Well anyways the old man's role after this would be "Father Figure"
See he even had a son :O

This part was really ironic as Akira repeated what Kei- I mean Kurosuke said to him when he saw Akira. 

Akira: I was looking for you. I really wanted to see you.
Me: O.O 
 Ep 9 preview: 
Yea I watched it. Keisuke did NOT die.

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